Prosjektet ble finansiert av Norges Forskningsråd, under programmet Grunnleggende Energiforskning. Tidsrammen for prosjektet var to år, fra 1997 til 1999. Arbeidet ble utført av Nils Reidar B. Olsen som et post. doc. studium ved Institutt for Vassbygging, NTNU, med Prof. Dagfinn K. Lysne som prosjektansvarlig. Prosjektets ramme var i underkant av 1 mill. kr.
Animasjonen viser turbiditeten i Mjøsa under flommen i 1995. Rødt er høy turbiditet, mens blått er lav turbiditet. Gridflatene langs vannoverflaten og bunnen er vist, samt et lengdesnitt. Figuren viser at det forurensede vannet holder seg langs overflaten. Årsaken er temperatursjiktningen i innsjøen. Drikkevannsinntakene som ligger på dypt vann blir derved mindre berørt.
Hedger, R.D., Olsen, N.R.B., Malthus, T.J., Atkinson, P.M., George, D.G. (1998) "Dynamically modelling chlorophyll-a concentration in a remotely sensed image of Loch Leven", The 24th Annual Conference of the Remote Sensing Society, Greenwich, UK.
Hedger, R.D., Olsen, N.R.B., George, D.G., Atkinson, P.M., Malthus, T.J. (1999) "Dynamic modelling of the spatio-temporal distribution of phytoplankton in a small productive lake", 4th International Conference on GeoComputation, Fredericksberg, USA. paper
Hedger, R.D., Olsen, N.R.B., Malthus, T.J., Atkinson, P.M. (1999) "The analysis of water quality spatial distributions in lakes by the integration of computational fluid dynamics with remote sensing", 25th Annual Conference of the Remote Sensing Society, Cardiff, UK.
Olsen, N. R. B. and Heslop, S. (1998) "Flow visualisation by particle animation for 3D CFD modelling in hydraulic engineering", HYDROINFORMATICS '98, Copenhagen, Denmark.
Olsen, N. R. B. (1998) "Unstructured and nested grids for 3D CFD modelling in hydraulic engineering", HYDROINFORMATICS '98, Copenhagen, Denmark. abstract
Olsen, N. R. B. and Tjomsland, T. (1998) "3D CFD modelling of wind-induced currents and radioactive tracer movements in a lake", 3rd. International Conference on Hydroscience and Engineering, Cottbus, Germany.
Olsen, N. R. B., Hedger, R. D., George, D. G. and Heslop, S. (1998) "3D CFD modelling of spatial distribution of algae in Loch Leven, Scotland", 3rd. International Conference on Hydroscience and Engineering, Cottbus, Germany. abstract
Olsen, N. R. B. (1999) "Two-dimensional numerical modelling of flushing processes in water reservoirs", IAHR Journal of Hydraulic Research, No. 1. abstract
Olsen, N. R. B. and Wilson, C. A. M. E. (1999) "CFD modelling of rivers and reservoirs", Int. Seminar on Optimum Use of Run-of-River Hydropower Schemes, Trondheim, Norway. abstract
Olsen, N. R. B., Jimenez, O. F., Abrahamsen, L. and Løvoll, A. (1999) "3D CFD modelling of water and sediment flow in a hydropower reservoir", International Journal of Sediment Reserach, Vol. 14, No. 1. abstract
Olsen, N. R. B. and Lysne, D. K. (1999) "3D Numerical Modelling of Water Currents in an Ice-Covered Lake", IAHR 28th. Bienneal Congress, Graz, Austria.
Olsen, N. R. B., Hedger, R. D. and George, D. G. (1999) "Modelling the Horizontal Distribution of Algae in a Water Supply Reservoir", IAHR 28th. Bienneal Congress, Graz, Austria.
Olsen, N. R. B., Kjellberg, G., Bakken, T. H. and Alfredsen, K. A. (1999) "Numerical modelling of water quality in Lake Mjøsa, Norway, during the flood of 1995", Ecohydraulics '99, Salt Lake City, USA. abstract
Olsen, N.R.B., Hedger, R. D., Heslop, S., George, D. G. (1999) "Computing spatial variation of algae in water supply reservoirs", International Conference on Computing and Control for the Water Industry, CCWI'99, Exeter, UK.
Olsen, N. R. B. and Lysne, D. K. (2000) "Numerical modelling of circulation in Lake Sperillen, Norway", Nordic Hydrology, Vol. 31, No. 1.
Olsen, N. R. B., Hedger, R. D. and George, D. G. (2000) "3D Numerical Modelling of Microcystis Distribution in a Water Reservoir", ASCE Journal of Environmental Engineering, Vol. 126, No. 10, October.
Olsen, N. R. B. (2000) "Unstructured hexahedral 3D grids for CFD modelling in fluvial geomorphology", Hydroinformatics 2000, Iowa, USA.
Olsen, N. R. B. (2000) "CFD modelling of bed changes during flushing of a reservoir", Hydroinformatics 2000, Iowa, USA.
Hedger, R. D., Olsen, N. R. B., Malthus, T. J. and Atkinson, P. M. (2002) "Coupling remote sensing with computational fluid dynamics modelling to estimate lake chlorophyll-a concentration", Remote Sensing of Environment, Vol. 79, No. 1, pp. 116-122.
Hedger, R. D., Olsen NRB, George DG, Malthus TJ, Atkinson PM (2004) "Modelling spatial distributions of Ceratium hirundnella and Microcystis spp. in a small productive British lake", Hydrobiologia, 528 (1-3): pp. 217-227 Oct.