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Fischer-Antze, T., Stösser, T., Bates, P. and Olsen, N. R. B. (2001) "3D numerical modelling of open-channel flow with submerged vegetation", IAHR Journal of Hydraulic Research, No. 3.
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Hedger, R.D., Olsen, N.R.B., Malthus, T.J., Atkinson, P.M., George, D.G. (1998) "Dynamically modelling chlorophyll-a concentration in a remotely sensed image of Loch Leven", The 24th Annual Conference of the Remote Sensing Society, Greenwich, UK.
Hedger, R.D., Olsen, N.R.B., George, D.G., Atkinson, P.M., Malthus, T.J. (1999) "Dynamic modelling of the spatio-temporal distribution of phytoplankton in a small productive lake", 4th International Conference on GeoComputation, Fredericksberg, USA. paper
Hedger, R.D., Olsen, N.R.B., Malthus, T.J., Atkinson, P.M. (1999) "The analysis of water quality spatial distributions in lakes by the integration of computational fluid dynamics with remote sensing", 25th Annual Conference of the Remote Sensing Society, Cardiff, UK.
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Jimenez, O., Rodriguez, C. and Olsen, N. R. B. (2004) "Sedimentation in the Angostura Reservoir, Studies and Experiences", 9th International Symposium on River Sedimentation, Yichang, China
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Olsen, N. R. B. (1994) "SSIIM - A three-dimensional numerical model for simulation of water and sediment flow", HYDROSOFT-94, Porto Carras, Greece.
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Olsen, N. R. B. and Tjomsland, T. (1998) "3D CFD modelling of wind-induced currents and radioactive tracer movements in a lake", 3rd. International Conference on Hydroscience and Engineering, Cottbus, Germany.
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Olsen, N. R. B. and Kjellesvig, H. M. (1998) "Three-dimensional numerical flow modelling for estimation of spillway capacity", IAHR Journal of Hydraulic Research, No. 5. abstract
Olsen, N. R. B., Hedger, R. D., George, D. G. and Heslop, S. (1998) "3D CFD modelling of spatial distribution of algae in Loch Leven, Scotland", 3rd. International Conference on Hydroscience and Engineering, Cottbus, Germany. abstract
Olsen, N. R. B. (1999) "Two-dimensional numerical modelling of flushing processes in water reservoirs", IAHR Journal of Hydraulic Research, No. 1. abstract
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Olsen, N. R. B., Jimenez, O. F., Abrahamsen, L. and Løvoll, A. (1999) "3D CFD modelling of water and sediment flow in a hydropower reservoir", International Journal of Sediment Reserach, Vol. 14, No. 1. abstract
Olsen, N. R. B. and Kjellesvig, H. M. (1999) "Three-dimensional numerical modelling of bed changes in a sand trap", IAHR Journal of Hydraulic Research, Vol. 37, No. 2. abstract
Olsen, N. R. B. and Lysne, D. K. (1999) "3D Numerical Modelling of Water Currents in an Ice-Covered Lake", IAHR 28th. Bienneal Congress, Graz, Austria.
Olsen, N. R. B., Hedger, R. D. and George, D. G. (1999) "Modelling the Horizontal Distribution of Algae in a Water Supply Reservoir", IAHR 28th. Bienneal Congress, Graz, Austria.
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Olsen, N. R. B. and Lysne, D. K. (2000) "Numerical modelling of circulation in Lake Sperillen, Norway", Nordic Hydrology, Vol. 31, No. 1.
Olsen, N. R. B., Hedger, R. D. and George, D. G. (2000) "3D Numerical Modelling of Microcystis Distribution in a Water Reservoir", ASCE Journal of Environmental Engineering, Vol. 126, No. 10, October.
Olsen, N. R. B. (2000) "Unstructured hexahedral 3D grids for CFD modelling in fluvial geomorphology", Hydroinformatics 2000, Iowa, USA.
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Olsen, N. R. B. and Aryal, P. R. (2001) "3D CFD modelling of water flow in the sand trap of Khimti Hydropower Plant, Nepal", Hydropower -2001, Bergen, Norway.
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Olsen, N. R. B., Pegg, I., Alfredsen, K. T., Fergus, T. and Fjeldstad, H-P. (2004) "3D CFD modelling of sediment deposition in habitat improvement structures", 5th International Symposium on Ecohydraulics, Madrid, Spain.
Olsen, N. R. B. (2004) "Hydroinformatics, fluvial hydraulics and limnology", Department of Hydraulic and Environmental Engineering, The Norwegian University of Science and Technology. Download PDF file.
Olsen, N. R. B., Pegg, I, Molliex, J., Berger, H. and Fjeldstad, H-P, (2005) "3D CFD mdelling of erosion in habitat improvement gravel", 31st. IAHR Congress, Seoul, Korea.
Ruether, N. and Olsen. N.R.B. (2003) "CFD modeling of meandering river evolution", XXX IAHR Congress, Thessaloniki, Greece.
Ruether, N. and Olsen, N. R. B. (2003) "CFD modeling of alluvial channel instabilities", 3rd IAHR Symposium on River, Coastal and Estuarine Morphodynamics, Barcelona, Spain.
Ruether, N. and Olsen. N.R.B. (2004) "Three dimensional modeling of sediment transport in a channel bend", Second International Conference on Fluvial Hydraulics, Naples, Italy.
Ruether, N. and Olsen. N.R.B. (2005) "Three dimensional modeling of sediment transport in a narrow 90° channel bend", ASCE Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, October.
Ruether, N., Singh, J. M., Olsen, N. R. B. and Atkinson, E. (2005) "Three-dimensional modelling of sediment transport at water intakes", Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers, UK, Water Management, Vol. 158, March, pp 1-7.
Ruether, N. and Olsen, N. R. B. (2005) "Advances in 3D modeling of free-forming meander formation from initially straight alluvial channels", 31st. IAHR Congress, Seoul, Korea.
Ruether, N., Olsen. N.R.B. (2006) "Towards the prediction of free-forming meander formation using 3D computational fluid dynamics", Flow Simulation in Hydraulic Engineering, Dresden, Germany, 9-11 March 2006.
Ruether, N., Olsen. N.R.B. (2006) "3D modeling of transient bed deformation in a sine-generated laboratory channel with two different width to depth ratios", Third International Conference on Fluvial Hydraulics, River Flow 2006, Lisbon, Portugal.
Stoesser, T., Rodi, W. and Olsen, N. R. B. (2006) "Large Eddy and RANS flow simulation above dunes", Flow Simulation in Hydraulic Engineering, Dresden, Germany, 9-11 March 2006.
Stoesser, T., von Terzi, D., Rodi, W. and Olsen, N. R. B. (2006) "RANS simulations and LES over dunes at low relative submergence ratios", 7th Int. Conf. on Hydroscience and Engineering, Philadelphia, USA, 10-13 September 2006.
Viscardi, J. M., Pujol, A., Weitbrecht, V., Jirka, G. H. and Olsen, N. R. B. (2006) "Numerical Simulations on the Paraná de las Palmas River", Third International Conference on Fluvial Hydraulics, River Flow 2006, Lisbon, Portugal.
Wilson C. A. M. E., Stoesser T., Olsen N. R. B. and Bates P. D. (2003) "Application and Validation of Numerical Codes in the Prediction of Compound Channel Flows", Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers, UK, Water and Maritime Engineering, No. 153, pp. 117-128.
Wilson C. A. M. E., Boxall J. B., Guymer I. and Olsen N. R. B. (2003) "Validation of a 3D numerical code in the simulation of pseudo-natural meandering flows" ASCE Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, Vol. 129, No. 10, October.
Wilson, C. A. M. E., Olsen, N. R. B., Boxall, J. B. and Guymer, I. (2003) "Three-dimensional numerical simulation of solute transport in a meandering channel" XXX IAHR Congress, Thessaloniki, Greece.
Wilson, C. A. M. E., Yagci, O., Olsen, N. R. B. and Rauch, H. P. (2004) "3D numerical modelling of vegetated compound channel flows", 6th International Conference on Hydroinformatics, Singapore.
Wilson, C. A. M. E., Stoesser, T. and Olsen, N. R. B. (2004) "Validation of a 3D Computational Dynamics Code in the Simulation of Meandering Compound Channel Flows", The Sixth International Conference on Hydroscience and Engineering, Brisbane, Australia.
Wilson, C. A. M. E., Yagci, O., Rauch, H.-P. and Olsen, N. R. B. (2006) "3D numerical modelling of a willow vegetated river/floodplain system", Journal of Hydrology, Vol. 327, July, pp. 13-21.
Wildhagen, J., Ruether, N., Olsen, N. R. B. and Guymer, I. (2005) "Three-dimensional modelling of sediment transport in a sharply curved menadering channel", 31st. IAHR Congress, Seoul, Korea.